XII Fellowship Hunterdon County NJ

XII Fellowship (12 Fellowship) is a micro church dedicated to communing with God and His people in an authentic, family atmosphere. We gather together on Sunday mornings for fellowship and prayer in Hunterdon County NJ close to Flemington and Clinton NJ.

Is the Church dead?

In 1966 the cover of time magazine asked the question: is God dead? Today we can ask a similar question: is the Church dead? 

That all depends on how you define Church. While the larger institutional church may be in decline, Christ promised that the gates of hell would never prevail against His Church. Today, there is a growing movement of churches meeting in homes, coffeeshops, and other alternative venues. Eschewing the trappings of large buildings and formal organization, these churches seek to worship God and follow after Christ in ways that differ from the traditional model.

The Church therefore is in no way dead — it is alive and well, although it is undergoing a transformation. After all, the Church is not an institution, a building, nor an organization — the Church is a living organism, it is the Body of Christ.

The Benefits of the Micro Church

During the COVID lockdowns, while most Christians were content to sit at home and worship virtually, pockets of faithful Christians decided to gather together without fear, for worship, fellowship, and prayer. XII Fellowship was one such gathering. We sought to experience real community at a time when it was lacking. Like the early church, we didn’t gather in large buildings or worship halls, but in homes. Other micro churches gathered in parks, forests, and cafes. 

When the lockdowns ended, our fellowship did not! We liked the family we had formed and decided to continue to meet as a family, rathe than disband and join traditional churches.

What is XII Fellowship?

XII Fellowship is a family of believers dedicated to Christ and to one another.  We don’t simply want to go to church — we want to be the church.  We pray together. We learn together. We laugh together, we cry together. We fellowship together. 

We don’t claim to know everything — but together we seek the Truth. We aren’t perfect — but together we strive to be perfected in Christ. We are a family. We are 12 fellowship. 

How did we chose the name, XII Fellowship?

A recent poll discovered that only 12% of Christians read the bible daily. This is a travesty. God has given us an epic letter of hope, love, and joy that we call the Bible. It contains everything we need to draw closer to Him. In the scriptures we find life, because it points us to the life giver, Jesus Christ, His Father and His Holy Spirit. At XII Fellowship, we want to be that 12% of Christians who read and meditate on the scripture daily, so that it might seep into our hearts and minds and make us like Christ. We want to pray daily, for in prayer we connect to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and are made like Them.

We also desire to change the community for Christ by announcing His Kingdom. It doesn’t take large numbers to make a difference in your community. God used twelve faithful men to change the world — He can do it again. You can make a difference. You can find purpose and meaning. You can carry the Light of God into a world of darkness and bring it hope.

Join XII Fellowship and become a part of the family.

If you are interested in attending one of our gatherings, please use the form below to contact us.

XII Fellowship is a member of the New Jersey Association of Micro Churches.